Become a sponsor for only $25 or per month to add the name of your entity, name, tagline, and contact information. For $50 per month, you can add up to a 5 minute video advertisement to tell about your entity. Pay yearly and get 2 months free, $250 and $500 per year, respectively. Get advanced event information and discounts on event advertising, booths, and more. Use our CONTACT FORM to let us know and send us your information. We want to give every business/service/organization a chance to help do something for their community, no matter how well they are doing financially at the moment. Every bit helps us do these events and makes sure everyone gets a chance to be a part. EVERYONE WINS!

You Can Use Our Patreon Project To Set Up Your Recurring Monthly Donations or our GoFundMe Project to donate manually, quarterly, semiannual, or yearly. Thank you so much for your help.


(Coverage Area!)


CUDDLE COASTERS | Melanie Beauchamp | 832.458.1526 | Spring, TX | CuddleCoaster.com

JOSEPH JAMES | Recording Artist, Author, Filmmaker, & Podcaster | The Woodlands, TX | Joseph-James.net

MoreMito | Joseph James | Web Link: More Mito JJT | Stimulant-free, natural energy from the mitochondria that can outlast your longest day | Enhanced brain ability, with the vision, clarity, and focus to meet your every challenge Mood enhancement and chronic stress reduction | Deeper, more restorative sleep | Cellular detoxification and repair | Immune system enhancement with anti-parasitic and anti-pathogenic support | Body-wide support for major organ systems | Enhanced ability for the body to manage itself and maintain homeostasis


CONCRETE FLOOR DESIGNS | Terry Lewis |“Your Floor Is Our Canvas!” | Serving Texas | 512.796.5142 | Terry5142@gmail.com


LANCE BEAUCHAMP | Marketing Consultant, [STARFISH] | Spring, TX | 678.523.4881 | Lance.Beauchamp@gmail.com

TYSON & AMY EDDY | Mortgage Loan Officer | Montgomery, TX | 936.494.9155